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Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Rest of the Story

I follow Indonesian news regularly in an effort to become acquainted with its culture.  The recent earthquake made world wide headlines.  Maybe you, like me, were reminded of the 2004 tsunami that caused great devastation and loss of lives.  Besides the fact that I grieve for people who endure loss and hardship, I am linked, in a tiny way, to the islands and its children.
Here's the rest of my story...
Years ago, when I was an elementary school teacher, the family of one of my students traveled to Bali.  When they returned they brought a great gift - letters from Indonesian students.  These letters were a glimpse into the lives of children who lived halfway around the world.  Adorned with beautiful and colorful artwork, and written in exquisite handwriting, the letters brought the daily lives of children in Bali to life.  They wrote of beaches and food, of friends and their pets.  Their favorite music and TV shows were surprisingly like ours.  Of course we wrote back.  It was great pressure to be sure that the quality of our writing was as good as the quality of the letters we had received.
Then came 2004.  It is said that 150,000 people were killed in what may be the deadliest tsunami in history...
I still have those letters.  They are tattered and worn.  Over the years, many of my students have read and discussed what it must be like to live in Bali.  Pulling out the letters to share with a new group of students is a joy.  Now these children will glimpse the lives of Balinese children, admire their beautiful artwork, and feel a bit sheepish about trying to measure up to the handwriting standards.  Great sadness and fear grips me as well.  It's the not knowing.  Picking up a letter, I think, "Is the child who wrote this one safe?"
With the promise of a visit to Indonesia in July, a fantasy forms.  What if?  It could happen.  Couldn't it?  What if I could actually find one of those children?

See more photos of Indonesia then and now

Nava's letter:

1 comment:

  1. That would be AWESOME to find one (or more) of those children! An incredible "fantasy" and I hope it is a reality.
